Windows Server 2016 standard with Server Essential role installed as PDC displayed a critical alert saying “Disconnected Domain Controllers”
The role of a Domain Controller (DC) is to authenticate and validate users and their level of access on a network. Whenever a user in the network logs in to the domain, the DC validates their credentials based on which they are either denied or allowed access.
Often there are 2 Domain Controllers in a network, a Primary Domain Controller (PDC) and a Secondary/Backup Domain Controller (BDC). Both of them should be in sync. The PDC maintains the main directory database to validate the users on their network. Whereas the BDC contains a copy of the same. If ever there is a problem in the PDC or the database in it gets compromised, the BDC can be used.
After a recent password change, the server running the Windows Server Essential was not receiving any signal/heartbeat from the domain controller. Here’s a screenshot of the Windows Server Essential Dashboard which displays the Critical Error of disconnected domain controllers.
Go to path C:\Program Files\Microsoft Password Change Notification
Then, open Command Prompt,
Add PCNS target manually by running the below command:
“C:\Program Files\Microsoft Password Change Notification>pcnscfg.exe ADDTARGET /N:ESSENTIALS_PWD_SYNC_DC01 /A:PDC01.domain_name /S:ESSENTIALS_PWD_SYNC/ PDC01.domain_name /FI:”Domain Users” /F:3 /I:60 /D:False /WI:30”
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