While we may think the majority of the companies have moved to the cloud, the recent Hafnium attack and many others portray a different story. There are many organizations that still function on on-premise servers and haven’t moved to the cloud. This shows that there are still many who are skeptical about Cloud Migration. The question here is, how secure is the cloud? Is cloud actually safe?
Let’s answer this question for you then.
The recent activities are a testament and throw light on how unsafe or vulnerable on-prem servers are. The simple answer to this is, that your data could actually be more secure on the cloud than it is on-prem.
As an MSP, if you want to convince your customers to migrate to the cloud, you must have a fool-proof understanding of the cloud which will help you understand the reason behind your clients’ reluctance, their dismissal and you’ll then have reasons to convince them for the migration.
Once you frankly discuss the concerns your clients have migrating to the cloud, whether it be due to higher costs, data security etc., you’d be able to give them accurate solutions to mitigate these concerns.
To give them something to trust, you can start with small changes, and then gradually aim for a complete migration to the cloud.
Once your clients start using cloud services, there are high chances that they’ll be able to trust the platform better.
Show them the unsafe world and then show them the safe world and how you can help them transition. Highlight the problems they may face when using an offline medium (higher chances of losing a file and never being able to recover it, limited storage, server hack concerns, etc.)
Put forth the benefits of the cloud, (larger storage space, backups and disaster recovery, constant maintenance, fewer chances of server getting hacked etc.)
Although cloud services may seem expensive initially but over time if you consider the operational costs you may incur in an offline medium, the cloud is a good investment. In order to keep up with the pace of this competitive world, cloud migration will be a saviour in the future.
Be honest with the pros and cons and leave the decision up to your client.
It is the process of transferring or migrating any data, databases, apps, servers, virtual desktops or any other such business element to the cloud. It could be a cloud to cloud migration or an on-premises to cloud migration depending on the need.
Discover, Plan, Migrate, Post Migration Support
Expanding on the answer above would give a clear idea of how one can perform cloud migration:
The 7 R’s are the migration strategies that have been renamed by AWS. They are –
The most common cloud migration model is “Lift-and-Shift”.
Migrating to the cloud has immense benefits; yes, cloud services may seem expensive but curated packages and the pay-as-you-go pricing, can help cut costs. Packages start from basic all the way to premium, so your client can choose the one that is the most suitable for them. There are different cloud types and models available. Present them the package that you think would be appropriate for their business and then they will be more likely to purchase.
Migration is an extensive, exhaustive process. Migrating to the cloud while taking care of the daily tasks and simultaneously growing your business can seem daunting, but it is important.
Infrassist utilizes industry-recognized best practices to design, build, deploy, and drive the right cloud solution that aligns with your clients’ needs. We will migrate your data from one cloud environment to another and take the burden off of your IT team.
We keep uploading new blogs quite frequently on our website- keep an eye out for those.
Lastly, if you need help with more such IT Solutions, feel free to reach out to us. We’ll be happy to resolve your queries.