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Application Installation

If you are planning to install a software/application and you have 100+ systems in your organization, installing it one by one or asking everyone to install it on their own systems individually will take up their time. With this script, you can avoid the hassle by installing the application on all systems, silently and at once


$Path = $env:TEMP; $Installer = “AcroRdrDC1502320053_en_US.exe”; Invoke-WebRequest “http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1502320053/AcroRdrDC1502320053_en_US.exe” -OutFile $Path\$Installer; Start-Process -FilePath $Path\$Installer -Args “/sAll /rs /l” -Verb RunAs -Wait; Remove-Item $Path\$Installer

Download Full Script

Purpose:This script will help to download any web application and install it in your system. All you need to do is edit the application name and the applications’ source URL and it will get installed silently on your Windows Machine. One of the benefits of installing it silently, is that you do not have to click on next>next>next on the installation wizard
Modification:This sample script installs adobe acrobat reader, the url and Application can be modified according to your preference
Type:PowerShell Script (ps1)
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