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Microsoft Customer Agreement Acceptance Script

This script lets you get Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA) acceptance programmatically for all tenants registered under Cloud Solution Provider (CSP). No need to check each customers’ MCA acceptance details one by one, the script will provide you with a list of all customer’s MCA status at once.


param($mca = ‘both’)
#Install-Module -Name PartnerCenter -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
$customerInfo = Get-PartnerCustomer
‘——————Total customer count in microsoft partner center is ‘ + $c +’——————-‘

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The script will show details as below:

  1. The total count of users in your Microsoft Partner Center.
  2. The details of all those who have accepted the Microsoft Customer Agreement status will be displayed as “Yes”, with the date agreed.
  3. The details of those who haven’t accepted the Microsoft Customer Agreement status will be displayed as “Not provided.”

Once you run the script, it’ll give you all the above details.
We have used parameter -mca with that we can select “yes”, “no” and “both” for Microsoft Customer Agreement details availability.

Purpose:Microsoft's Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) is from where you can manage your clients’ tenants. The purpose of this script is to check the status of MCA records for each of your customer’s tenant.
Type:PowerShell Script (ps1)
Compatibility:Run with PowerShell
Tags:Microsoft, MCA, CSP portal
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