Here’s how you can quickly update ESMC using the ESET Web console

ESET Web console

06 January, 2022

What is ESMC?

ESMC stands for ESET Security Management Centre – it enables you to centrally manage all ESET products on servers, workstations and mobiles. Using the web console you can manage tasks, deploy ESET Solutions, enforce security policies and respond to issues arising through the remote computers.

To manage remote devices and to update ESMC-

  1. Login to the ERA (ESET Remote Administrator) Portal using a web browser (Google Chrome preferred).
  2. To check if an update is available, or to update the product, go to the help button (question mark) > Update Productupdate section
  3. Once you click on it, you will get an update popup. The popup will suggest and prompt you to take backup of all ESET Certification authorities (CA), Peer certificates and ESMC database.certificates
  4. To take backup of the above certificates, click on the open certification authorities (ca)or click on peer certificates  It will take you to certificate locations respectively where you can export them one by one.


Why take a backup of these certificates on ESMC?

As part of the installation/update process, ESMC needs a peer certificate for agents and a peer certificate authority and a certificate authority (CA). All these certificates are used to authenticate all the ESET Products that have been distributed under your license. For example, you can create a server certificate which will be required for distribution of ESET Server products.

  1. To export the certificate, click on one of the certificates and select “Export Public Key” It will download the certificate automatically. Follow the same steps for all certificates.

For database backup, click this link, which is suggested by ESET support. Or you can click on the OPEN DOCUMENTATION option to direct yourself to this link

Steps to take backup of the database

After taking backup we can go for an update. For that, Click the UPDATE button. An update of your ESMC Server is scheduled – in Client Tasks you can find a new client task that upgrades ESMC components on the computer where ESMC Server is installed. To update other ESMC components on the devices connected to ESMC Server to the latest version, you can trigger the Security Management Center Components Upgrade task directly from the update popup window.



  1. After triggering the task you will lose connectivity of ESMC Console for some time until the ESMC upgrade process is done.
  2. Verify the updated version by going to appwiz.cpl or by login into the ESMC portal again and going to Help> About.
  3. Verify the connectivity after upgrading the ESMC by login into its Portal.
  4. Make sure that ESET Protect Server and Web console version (8.0) must be the same after update (refer given below SS) otherwise, it throws an error.


Some frequently asked questions:

What is ESMC console?

The traditional ERA Console has now been replaced by the ESMC (ESET Security Management Center) Web Console. It is the primary online interface that allows you to virtually administer and manage your clients and network from anywhere.

How do I access ESET management console?

If you are on a local ESMC Server: Open an ESMC-compatible web browser and type https://localhost/era in the address bar and you’ll be able to access the ESMC Web Console.

If your ESMC Server is accessible to outside connections: Open your web browser and type https://%yourservername%/era   Here you need to replace %yourservername% with your actual IP address or name of your web server


Which are the core components in Esmc 7 that must be installed?

For a perfect deployment, we recommend the following core components to be installed:

ESMC Web Console

ESET Management Agent

ESMC Server 

Is ESET Free?

ESET isn’t free but you can get a 30 day full-featured, free trial across all its 3 categories: Essential Protection, Advanced Protection and Ultimate Protection

Can you protect multiple devices using the free trial?

No. You can cover only 1 device during the trial but once you purchase the product, multiple devices can be secured via the ESET product of your choice.

Will ESET work if there is another pre-installed cybersecurity software?

It is best to uninstall any other software in the same category for this to work optimally.


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Lastly, if you need help with more such IT Solutions, feel free to reach out to us. We’ll be happy to resolve your queries.